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YOGA & ZEN:東洋の知恵の実践
(Note: An English translation follows the Japanese text.)



佐久間 留理子(宗教学?哲学)
立川武蔵『ヨーガの哲学』講談社学術文庫<br />
YOGA & ZEN: Practice of the Wisdom in the East
Please look at the diagram (Plate 1) where an upward triangle is combined with a downward triangle. What do you feel when you look at it intently? Do you perceive the center with the “?” symbol as distant or proximate? Furthermore, what is this picture used for?
This is the diagram of a “yantra” in Hinduism, a tool used to concentrate the mind in yoga practice. While yoga is considered a method to lose weight and stay healthy in Japan, it is also a religious practice in India. A seal depicting a yoga posture from the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, which flourished from 2300 BC to 2000 BC (Plate 2), seems to indicate that the history of yoga dates back to this period. The practice of attaining a mental state distinct from that in daily life is known to have been recognized between 800 BC and 700 BC. Later, methods of classical yoga practice were systematized in the yoga sutras.
Although the name “yo-ga” (vowel “o” being short) is popular in Japan, “yoga” (vowel “o” being long) is used in India. The word yoga originates from “yuj,” meaning “to yoke.” This sense of the word was used to refer to yoking of horses. In the context of yoga, sensory organs are compared with horses. Uncontrolled sensory organs connect to the surrounding objects, and we have to control them to concentrate the mind. In yoga practice, one controls one’s mind in the same way an equestrian controls his/her horse with a yoke. Yoga is a practice that helps attain supreme wisdom by controlling and calming mental movements.
Yoga practitioners are required to maintain a stable posture, control their breathing, and concentrate their minds on a point. They need to take long breaths, inhaling slowly and deeply. A Yoga master can emit heat as much as he can bake bread on his back. Buddhism is the source of yoga techniques such as Zen meditation practiced in Japan. I practiced Zen meditation under the guidance of a Zen priest but found it difficult to concentrate my mind on a point. The priest suggested that I observe the frequency of my breathing and noted that exhaling should take about three times as long as inhaling. The Zen priest explained that if one is distressed, his/her breathing becomes disordered and needs to be controlled first.
Zen meditation has helped me considerably. I recall an instance wherein the elevator I was in had a power outage, and I was locked inside. Although I was able to contact someone soon, I wondered what to do in the dark until the power was restored. It occurred to me that I could practice Zen meditation, and I took off my shoes and sat calmly.
Yoga and Zen meditation calm the mind and reduce stress. Therefore, both practices are considered spiritual disciplines in religions since ancient times. For example, the founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni, obtained enlightenment while in meditation in Bodh Gaya, India. Today, people visit this place and worship the Bodhi tree under which the Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment (Bodh Gaya is registered as a world heritage site). Some visitors recite scriptures near the tree and practice meditation calmly. I recently encountered a group of foreign tourists who participated in a workshop on spiritual discipline under the Bodhi tree (Plate 3).
Individuals practice yoga and Zen meditation independently, and one does not depend upon the other. Even if a robot equipped with AI (Artificial Intelligence) practices Yoga instead of someone, his stress will be never reduced. Thus, yoga and Zen meditation will still be considered valuable methods to reduce stress and calm the mind in the future when AI will be more developed. I recommend that every individual try meditation once.
Ruriko Sakuma Ph.D. (Religious Studies, Philosophy)
Faculty of Tourism